“Dream Stars”

[New act] Musical comedy, full stage (Special set) “Dream Stars” first came out a year ago with Charles King starred. It was presented by Laurence Schwab and produced by Hassard Short. Now it carried Harry Murray as the featured member, with Gladys Joye, Jeanne Berkley and Bernice La Rue assisting. The act is a series of old operatic numbers taken in costume by the girls who ascend to the stage through the framework of a piano set to one side of the stage.  When Mr. King appeared in this act it at least held a name, his own, but King apparently could not become interested in the playlet. He should not be blamed for that. It was monotonously tiresome then, it is more so now. “Dream Stars” needs a name of a personality to carry it anywhere. Now it has neither, and without either not a whit of value for vaudeville of any kind.
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 3 September 1920