Glenn and Richards

Tuesday night was a swelterer the heat denting the attendance to the extent of one-third of normal. Those who were in were “hardboiled” until the second turn. Glenn and Richards got well along with their specialty. Mr. Glenn finally brought the audience out of the comas they seemed to be in with a corking soft shoe eccentric dance. Previously the team, a singing and dancing combination, had shown little or nothing, starting off with “Why Don’t You Treat Me Right” done as a conventions double ordinarily handled with a few minutes a standardized patter to follow. Miss Richards changing from a pretty blue silk street dress to what looked for all world like a bathing suit, cute knickers, abbreviated skirt and decolette bodice saffed right in after Mr. Glenn succeeded in waking the unconscious ones and singled neatly with “Moving Picture Hall,” gathering in a sizeable hand, the nothing suit accomplished the sought for result. This paved the way for another display of clever eccentric stepping by Mr. Glenn, a fast double finish pulling down a trip of bends.   
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 16 July 1920