18 Mins.; Full Stage. (Special Set).   At the opening it has happened on his honeymoon. He has lost all track of his bride and can’t remember who he married. The story involves a burglar, pressed into service to find the wife and three young women invited to the house for dinner, in an effort to see if one of the trio is not the missing wife. The burglar Is introduced as a doctor or, at least, one of those massage fellows, and there is quite a bit of talk about a knee. Hough leans to knees. However, the comedy is kept clean and there isn’t anything to offend. The girls are mixed in a couple of musical numbers that fit the situations, and there is also a little dancing… The finish comes rather suddenly. but a laugh in gained through the burglar going back to his trade, after the young man finds his wife and strips the apartment of all the furniture while the young couple are cooing in song. “Who’s My Wife”? is a good vaudeville act. It has young people, catchy music, laughs and appearance. It will do well on the big time, though not a feature attraction.
Variety, LXII: 11, May 6, 1921