Ida Fuller “La Sorciere”

For her entrance the dancer stands upon a pedestal supported by a wire, which is afterwards employed to swing her in the air from side to side, much as the aerial ballet is worked. The wire is discernible at times and Miss Fuller does not “float” naturally, taking a too regular course.
Making a reappearance in her native land, Miss Fuller is presenting this week at the New York a series of spectacular myriad-colored dances that are at once most beautiful and wonderful in the effects obtained by the lighting. No one has approached Miss Fuller in the finale of her act when she steps into a realistic, seething cauldron of fire or, more properly, the crater of a volcano in eruption.
There are no "waits" during the nine minutes. The inexplicable combinations of lights are almost as interesting as the results. From now on all ''fire dancers" will be measured by Ida Fuller; she is the very best in every way
Variety 9:3 (09/21/1907)