Howard and Fields and Their Dining Car Minstrels

The scene is a dining car. As the act opens and closes, a panoramic effect is worked and may be seen through the car windows, indicating passing landscape. Some electrical effects are used for lighting purposes, and the main scheme of presentation removes it from the stereotyped semi-circle.
Of the five comedians, two are in blackface. The others include a man (the interlocutor), and two women in whiteface. The two men are explained to be stranded minstrels, working their way back to St. Louis as waiters. The rest of the troupe is said to be a touring minstrel show. The interlocutor is the manager seeking to hire the two men.
The singing was especially well liked. The audience howled for more when the three men sang.
The two blackface comedians put over their bits very well. The act could be sped up a bit; 23 minutes is a long time.
Variety 36:5 (10/03/1914)