“London Belles”

"Oh Papa"; "Can I Depend On That."; "Old Man's Darling"; featuring: Rose Sydell; Johnnie Weber; Frances Cornell; Lew Thali; Smith and Pullman; the Gayety Trio;
Rose Sydell, for many years a standard box office card In burlesque. Is piloting around the Columbia circuit what Is probably the poorest specimen of modern burlesque seen on that wheel this season. Aside from the principal's name, the wardrobe and scenic Investiture, there Isn't one redeeming feature about the "London Belles" to warrant Its position In high class burlesque. The musical score suffered through the absence of a real voice In the line-up. and the chorus failed to help out to any extent for the producer has Shown little Judgment In his selection of girls. They do not reach the beauty class and their efforts at harmony were extremely painful.
Variety 45:10 (02/02/1917)