Bachelor Club

What goes a long way in making the offering worth while is the uniform shapeliness and good work of the girls. A chorus dressed in white tights looked well in the first part, and in te burlesque an outfit of red tights made a good stage picture. Viola Sheldon was a decidedly attractive figure in all her costumes, remaining in long skirts for the greater part of the time. The other women principals have little to do except wear their costumes and help out the stage picture. Miss Mildred might have her frock constructed on more graceful lines, her dressing being rather untidy.
(Viola Sheldon) She has a good, clear soprano voice of sufficient volume to carry her numbers and is graceful. White, Brennan, Waltjen and Mildred have an interesting singing act. Ruth Mildred dominates the numbers with her unusually heavy volume and tone, and gives an odd effect to the quartet. The bass has a good resonant voice and a tenor of good quality rounds out the singing organization niely. The bass is the comedian. Dressed as a messenger boy he does some mugging and clowning, but for the most part the four confine themselves to singing.
Mabel and Cecilia Lavelle open with a first rate "sister" act. They havea pretty dressing scheme and make an excellent quick change to a Spanish costume. Their voices passed, and the dancing was considerably above the average. The Famous Armstrongs, a trio of trick bicyclists, put a good average of entertainment in their act. The falls of the comedy man rather suggest the work of Fred St. Onge, but tere is not a great deal of this. "Gertrude" does whistling and bird imitations fairly well, but neglects to tell what birds she is imitating.
As the burlesque shows are running, the "Bachelor Club" is up to standard. Whatever there is of rough clowning is funny and gets laughs, which after all is te test of its value. Miss "Gertrude" looked well, and her stage deportment was graceful, but the makeup was a bit thick and not too carefully put on.
Variety 2:4 (02/23/1907)